Make an extra stop on your way home today. Not a pit stop or a pause at the neighborhood bar, but a stop at the deli or the grocery store where they have that luscious-looking produce. It just may make you healthier. People who like where they buy their produce, i.e., they're satisfied with the selection and quality, tend to eat more of it than people who just don't click with their grocery store.
Other ways to ensure you'll eat it, sniff it first, if there's no fresh smell, don't purchase it. And look for the new "country of origin" stickers. Yes, we prefer local food in season. When you get it home, eat it quickly, nutrient content drops the longer produce sits around, even when it's refrigerated (with the exception of dark plums, which might get a little antioxidant boost with short storage). Some fruits hold up better than others: black grapes, apples, oranges and tomatoes (yes, these are fruits!), but it's still best to eat them when they're fresh. And keep them in the crisper, exposure to light can make some nutrients flee.
Know you won't be home much this week? Stock up on frozen fruits and vegetables. Some high-end chefs have even recently confessed to using frozen here and there (especially Brussels sprouts, peas, corn and yellow and red bell pepper strips). And us low, end YOU Docs often use frozen fruit in our berry, blaster smoothies. Since it's harvested at its peak, frozen produce may have more nutrients than fresh that has been picked early, then shipped and stored. So learn where your neighborhood fruit and vegetable parlor is, and remember the names of the produce masters. You'll find out from them what's fresh and enjoy their expertise in steering you to the best-tasting foods.